

Title: The Forum for Youth Investment
Description: The Forum for Youth Investment is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to helping communities and the nation make sure all young people are ready by 21-ready for college, work and life. The Forum for Youth Investment provides youth and adult leaders with the information, technical assistance, training, network support, and partnership opportunities needed to increase the quality and quantity of youth investment and youth involvement.

Title: Guideposts for Success for Youth
Description: The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth) has identified Guideposts for Success based on what research tells us that all youth need to transition to adulthood successfully. The Guideposts for Success provides: a statement of principles; a direction that will lead to better outcomes for all young people; and a way to organize policy and practice. Youth with disabilities can use the Guideposts for Success in developing any individualized plans, such as Individualized Education Programs (IEPs), Individualized Plans for Employment (IPE), and service strategies as required by the Workforce Investment Act.

The Guideposts are available in English and Spanish.

Title: Healthcare Transition Training
Description: Healthcare transition is a process that takes time and planning. This Web site has been developed as a learning resource for individuals who are either in the process of transition, or about to be and provides transition training below.
Source: The Florida Developmental Disabilities Council, Tallahassee, FL

Title: Making Dreams a Reality: Using Personal Networks to Achieve Goals as You Prepare to Leave High School
Description: This article, found on the Institute for Community Inclusion's (ICI) Web site, tells the stories of students who used their personal networks to exercise self-determination and follow their goals, and includes worksheets for students to build and use their own networks.

Title: Moving on to High School
Description: Time spent in school is probably the single greatest feature of a young person's life. So it only makes sense for parents to make sure their sons and daughters get what they need from school. Even though families don't have much influence over how schools structure courses, there are things they can do to make the most of what schools have to offer. This tip sheet, found on the Institute for Community Inclusion's (ICI) Web site, is based on the experiences of students with disabilities in public schools and their families.

Title: National Alliance for Secondary Education and Transition (NASET)
Description: The National Alliance for Secondary Education and Transition (NASET) is a national voluntary coalition of more than 40 organizations and advocacy groups representing special education, general education, career and technical education, youth development, multicultural perspectives, and parents. The goals of NASET are: to identify what youth need in order to achieve successful participation in postsecondary education and training, civic engagement, meaningful employment, and adult life; and to prioritize and address significant issues of national scale that have an impact on the provision of effective secondary education and transition services and policies for all youth.

Title: National Center on Secondary Education and Transition
Description: The National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NCSET) coordinates national resources, offers technical assistance, and disseminates information related to secondary education and transition for youth with disabilities in order to create opportunities for youth to achieve successful futures.

Title: National Standards and Quality Indicators: Transition Toolkit for Systems Improvement
Description: The National Standards and Quality Indicators: Transition Toolkit for Systems Improvement combines the findings of current research on effective schooling, career preparatory experiences, youth development and youth leadership, family involvement, and connecting activities with the expertise of numerous individuals who work in these fields. The Transition Toolkit can be used to promote planning and continuous improvement for secondary education and transition. State and local communities are encouraged to use these tools to better understand their current operations; to identify areas of strength, weakness, and opportunity; to create action for improving and scaling up systems; and to assess progress.

Title: Rural Institute
Description: The Rural Institute Web site provides a general list of transition related materials and information.

Title: Self-Determination: Supporting Successful Transition By Christine D. Bremer, Mera Kachgal, and Kris Schoeller
Description: This article, from the April 2003 National Center on Secondary Education and Transition (NSET) Newsletter, gives an introduction to self-determination and transition and provides tips for families and professionals.

Title: Youthhood
Description: Youthhood is a Web site for youths that provides a fun and engaging way to remind students with disabilities that they are not alone as they explore community and build a future. Youthhood provides resources and information.

Title: American Academy of Pediatrics Transition Tools
Description: The American Academy of Pediatrics Web site offers transition tools and information on health , education, independent living, and career and vocational rehabilitation.
Source: EST

Title: Making the Right Turn: A Guide About Improving Transition Outcomes for Youth Involved in the Juvenile Corrections System
Description: Making the Right Turn: A Guide About Improving Transition Outcomes for Youth Involved in the Juvenile Corrections System provides professionals with well-researched and documented facts, promising practices, and recommendations for policy makers. Also included are the Guideposts for Success for Youth Involved in the Juvenile Corrections System.
Source: NCLD/Youth

Title: SWI Transition Resources
Description: The Southwest Institute (SWI) has developed several transition-related resources, including:

Systematic Transition Plan (STP) The STP, modeled after the Individual Education Plan (IEP), is completed by the youth and clinical care coordinator to identify short-term objectives and long-term goals necessary for transition to adulthood.

Youth Transition Survey The Youth Transition Survey helps each youth identify his/her own strengths and weaknesses in the following areas related to his/her successful transition: education and vocation, health management, social relationships and communications, independent living, money management and budget, personal appearance and hygiene, and orientation and mobility.

Transition Survey for Parents The Parent Transition Survey helps each parent identify his/her own strengths and weaknesses in the following areas related to his/her child's successful transition to adulthood: education and vocation, health management, social relationships and communications, independent living, money management and budget, personal appearance and hygiene, and orientation and mobility.

PDF versions are available on the SWI Tools for Transition Web site.
Source: Set Yourself Free

Title: Successful Transition Models for Youth with Mental Health Needs
Description: This InfoBrief, Successful Transition Models for Youth with Mental Health Needs: A Guide for Workforce Professionals, was developed by the National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Y). It describes the systems’ service barriers faced by youth with mental health needs as they reach adulthood, while highlighting new models and strategies designed to break down those barriers and help them to transition successfully into the workplace.
Source: NCLD/Youth

Title: A Life 4 Me Web site
Description: The Virginia Department of Education and the Partnership for People with Disabilities worked together to develop an interactive Web site for middle school students with more significant disabilities and their parents to engage in a process of self-identity and planning for the future.

The Life 4 Me Web site enables middle school students with more significant disabilities, along with their parents, to identify strengths, challenges and interests, and their post-high school visions and to develop a plan for their middle school and high school years that will lead to a life they have identified for themselves. The interactive and engaging Web site includes activities for developing a personal profile (Who Am I?) and leads the user to taking an animated tour of a community like their own and explore options about where people work/volunteer, live, eat, hang out and have recreational opportunities. The personal characteristics and choices about their desires for their future will result in a personal “profile” that can be printed and shared with the student’s IEP team.
Source: VA Center for Self-Advocacy Leadership

Title: Making the Move to Managing Your Own Personal Assistance Services
Description: Making the Move to Managing Your Own Personal Assistance Services (PAS): A Toolkit for Youth Transitioning to Adulthood
Accessing and maintaining long-term supports such as PAS has often been a significant barrier to employment youth and adults with disabilities. This new toolkit assists youth in strengthening some of the most fundamental skills essential for successfully managing their own PAS: effective communication, time-management, working with others, and establishing professional relationships. Such skills are key to not only enhancing independence, but also thriving in the workplace and growing professionally.

Information provided by the Office of Disability Employment Policy in the United States Department of Labor.
Source: EST